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[HTML] Glossary - Hyper-Text Markup Language (HTML)

HTML, which is an acronym for Hyper-Text Markup Language, is the primary computer language used with the World Wide Web for the design and presentation of web pages.  Web browsers parse HTML code and present the information to the user accordingly.

As computer languages go, HTML is easy to learn because it is generally very simple in its structure with a fairly small command-set, which is one of the reasons it gained popularity so quickly in the 1990s when many non-technical people had started learning the basics of HTML syntax to create some simple web pages.  For an easy-to-read example of HTML syntax that also reveals structure in a simple manner, you can view the HTML source code of this web page (most web browsers include an HTML source code viewing option, typically in the "View" menu).

If you're interested in learning standards-compliant HTML, we recommend that you start with the Opera Web Standards Curriculum at which is freely available to everyone.

HTML markers

The syntax of HTML is comprised mainly of markers (or HTML tags, or elements) and free-form text, and also entity references (special characters).  Elements, which essentially specify the formatting rules, are enclosed within less-than and greater-than signs, such as <p> (this starts a new paragraph of free-form text).

An extensive and very detailed list of HTML markers (and HTML document structure) is available in RFC 1866 -- see pages 11 and 12 for an example of a basic structure, and section 5, which begins on page 20, for the detailed reference list of HTML markers.

Entity references

Entity references, which provide a way to include special characters, are enclosed within an ampersand and a semi-colon, such as &amp; (this presents an ampersand, a well-known entity reference).

The first 255 entity references are documented throughout RFC 1866, with the majority listed on pages 72 through 75.  Other widely-supported entity references are included in the table below for your convenience...

CharacterDescriptionEntity references
ƒLatin small f with hook; function; florin&fnof;&#402;&#x192;
ΑGreek capital letter alpha&Alpha;&#913;&#x391;
ΒGreek capital letter beta&Beta;&#914;&#x392;
ΓGreek capital letter gamma&Gamma;&#915;&#x393;
ΔGreek capital letter delta&Delta;&#916;&#x394;
ΕGreek capital letter epsilon&Epsilon;&#917;&#x395;
ΖGreek capital letter zeta&Zeta;&#918;&#x396;
ΗGreek capital letter eta&Eta;&#919;&#x397;
ΘGreek capital letter theta&Theta;&#920;&#x398;
ΙGreek capital letter iota&Iota;&#921;&#x399;
ΚGreek capital letter kappa&Kappa;&#922;&#x39A;
ΛGreek capital letter lambda&Lambda;&#923;&#x39B;
ΜGreek capital letter mu&Mu;&#924;&#x39C;
ΝGreek capital letter nu&Nu;&#925;&#x39D;
ΞGreek capital letter xi&Xi;&#926;&#x39E;
ΟGreek capital letter omicron&Omicron;&#927;&#x39F;
ΠGreek capital letter pi&Pi;&#928;&#x3A0;
ΡGreek capital letter rho&Rho;&#929;&#x3A1;
ΣGreek capital letter sigma&Sigma;&#931;&#x3A3;
ΤGreek capital letter tau&Tau;&#932;&#x3A4;
ΥGreek capital letter upsilon&Upsilon;&#933;&#x3A5;
ΦGreek capital letter phi&Phi;&#934;&#x3A6;
ΧGreek capital letter chi&Chi;&#935;&#x3A7;
ΨGreek capital letter psi&Psi;&#936;&#x3A8;
ΩGreek capital letter omega&Omega;&#937;&#x3A9;
αGreek small letter alpha&alpha;&#945;&#x3B1;
βGreek small letter beta&beta;&#946;&#x3B2;
γGreek small letter gamma&gamma;&#947;&#x3B3;
δGreek small letter delta&delta;&#948;&#x3B4;
εGreek small letter epsilon&epsilon;&#949;&#x3B5;
ζGreek small letter zeta&zeta;&#950;&#x3B6;
ηGreek small letter eta&eta;&#951;&#x3B7;
θGreek small letter theta&theta;&#952;&#x3B8;
ιGreek small letter iota&iota;&#953;&#x3B9;
κGreek small letter kappa&kappa;&#954;&#x3BA;
λGreek small letter lambda&lambda;&#955;&#x3BB;
μGreek small letter mu&mu;&#956;&#x3BC;
νGreek small letter nu&nu;&#957;&#x3BD;
ξGreek small letter xi&xi;&#958;&#x3BE;
οGreek small letter omicron&omicron;&#959;&#x3BF;
πGreek small letter pi&pi;&#960;&#x3C0;
ρGreek small letter rho&rho;&#961;&#x3C1;
ςGreek small letter final sigma&sigmaf;&#962;&#x3C2;
σGreek small letter sigma&sigma;&#963;&#x3C3;
τGreek small letter tau&tau;&#964;&#x3C4;
υGreek small letter upsilon&upsilon;&#965;&#x3C5;
φGreek small letter phi&phi;&#966;&#x3C6;
χGreek small letter chi&chi;&#967;&#x3C7;
ψGreek small letter psi&psi;&#968;&#x3C8;
ωGreek small letter omega&omega;&#969;&#x3C9;
ϑGreek small letter theta symbol&thetasym;&#977;&#x3D1;
ϒGreek upsilon with hook symbol&upsih;&#978;&#x3D2;
ϖGreek pi symbol&piv;&#982;&#x3D6;
bullet; black small circle&bull;&#8226;&#x2022;
horizontal ellipsis; three dot leader&hellip;&#8230;&#x2026;
prime; minutes; feet&prime;&#8242;&#x2032;
double prime; seconds; inches&Prime;&#8243;&#x2033;
overline; spacing overscore&oline;&#8254;&#x203E;
fraction slash&frasl;&#8260;&#x2044;
script capital P; power set; Weierstrass p&weierp;&#8472;&#x2118;
blackletter capital I; imaginary part&image;&#8465;&#x2111;
blackletter capital R; real part symbol&real;&#8476;&#x211C;
trade mark sign&trade;&#8482;&#x2122;
CharacterDescriptionEntity references
CharacterDescriptionEntity references
alef symbol; first transfinite cardinal&alefsym;&#8501;&#x2135;
leftwards arrow&larr;&#8592;&#x2190;
upwards arrow&uarr;&#8593;&#x2191;
rightwards arrow&rarr;&#8594;&#x2192;
downwards arrow&darr;&#8595;&#x2193;
left right arrow&harr;&#8596;&#x2194;
downwards arrow with corner
leftwards; carriage return
leftwards double arrow&lArr;&#8656;&#x21D0;
upwards double arrow&uArr;&#8657;&#x21D1;
rightwards double arrow&rArr;&#8658;&#x21D2;
downwards double arrow&dArr;&#8659;&#x21D3;
left right double arrow&hArr;&#8660;&#x21D4;
for all&forall;&#8704;&#x2200;
partial differential&part;&#8706;&#x2202;
there exists&exist;&#8707;&#x2203;
empty set; null set; diameter&empty;&#8709;&#x2205;
nabla; backward difference&nabla;&#8711;&#x2207;
element of&isin;&#8712;&#x2208;
not an element of&notin;&#8713;&#x2209;
contains as member&ni;&#8715;&#x220B;
n-ary product; product sign&prod;&#8719;&#x220F;
n-ary sumation&sum;&#8721;&#x2211;
minus sign&minus;&#8722;&#x2212;
asterisk operator&lowast;&#8727;&#x2217;
square root; radical sign&radic;&#8730;&#x221A;
proportional to&prop;&#8733;&#x221D;
logical and; wedge&and;&#8743;&#x2227;
logical or; vee&or;&#8744;&#x2228;
intersection; cap&cap;&#8745;&#x2229;
union; cup&cup;&#8746;&#x222A;
tilde operator; varies with; similar to&sim;&#8764;&#x223C;
approximately equal to&cong;&#8773;&#x2245;
almost equal to; asymptotic to&asymp;&#8776;&#x2248;
not equal to&ne;&#8800;&#x2260;
identical to&equiv;&#8801;&#x2261;
less-than or equal to&le;&#8804;&#x2264;
greater-than or equal to&ge;&#8805;&#x2265;
subset of&sub;&#8834;&#x2282;
superset of&sup;&#8835;&#x2283;
not a subset of&nsub;&#8836;&#x2284;
subset of or equal to&sube;&#8838;&#x2286;
superset of or equal to&supe;&#8839;&#x2287;
circled plus; direct sum&oplus;&#8853;&#x2295;
circled times; vector product&otimes;&#8855;&#x2297;
up tack; orthogonal to; perpendicular&perp;&#8869;&#x22A5;
dot operator&sdot;&#8901;&#x22C5;
left ceiling; APL upstile&lceil;&#8968;&#x2308;
right ceiling&rceil;&#8969;&#x2309;
left floor; APL downstile&lfloor;&#8970;&#x230A;
right floor&rfloor;&#8971;&#x230B;
left-pointing angle bracket; bra&lang;&#9001;&#x2329;
right-pointing angle bracket; ket&rang;&#9002;&#x232A;
black spade suit&spades;&#9824;&#x2660;
black club suit; shamrock&clubs;&#9827;&#x2663;
black heart suit; valentine&hearts;&#9829;&#x2665;
black diamond suit&diams;&#9830;&#x2666;
CharacterDescriptionEntity references


JavaScript (JS) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are two client-side technologies that are used to improve the functionality and presentation of internet web sites.  When combined with server-side programming, web sites can become truly dynamic in nature, such as with Google's search results that appear before the user presses the [Enter] key or uses the Search button.

A wide range of plug-in technologies have also been developed that further enhance the web browsing experience.  In particular, technologies such as Java, Flash, Shockwave, PDF Reader, VLC Player, and QuickTime Player are among the most popular free plug-ins due to the popularity among web developers looking for ways to improve the overall end-user experience.  Of course, HTML provides the foundation that makes it possible to seamlessly combine all these technologies with relative consistency across many different environments.

See also

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